Email:[email protected]
工作经历:2016-2020 西南大学 外国语21点策略
2011-2016 麦考瑞大学 (Macquarie University),应用语言学,博士,悉尼
2008-2011 厦门大学,英语语言文学(口译),硕士,厦门
2004-2008 西南大学,英语,学士,重庆
近年来, 以独立作者、第一作者、通讯作者身份, 发表各类文章40余篇, 包括研究论文25篇,详情请见:
▪ Han, C. (2022). Interpretingtesting and assessment: A state-of-the-art review. Language Testing, 39(1), 30-55.
▪ Han, C. & Xiao, X-Y. (2022). A comparative judgment approach to assessing Chinese sign language interpretation. Language Testing, 39(2), 289-312.
▪ Han, C. & Lu, X-L. (2021). Can automated machine translation evaluation metrics be used to assess students’interpretation in the language learning classroom? Computer Assisted Language Learning, 1-24.
▪ Han, C. (2020). Translation quality assessment: A critical methodological review. The Translator, 26(3), 257-273.
▪ Han, C. (2019). A generalizability theory study of optimal measurement design for a summative assessment of English/Chinese consecutive interpreting. Language Testing, 36(3), 419-438.
▪ Han, C. (2018). Using rating scales to assess interpretation: Practices, problems and prospects. Interpreting, 20(1), 60-96.
▪ Han, C. (2018). Mixed-methods research in Interpreting Studies: A methodological review (2004-2014). Interpreting, 20(2), 155-187.
▪ Han, C. (2016). Investigating score dependability in English/Chinese interpreter certification performance testing: A generalizability theory approach. Language Assessment Quarterly, 13(3), 186-201.
▪ Han, C. & Slatyer, H. (2016). Test validation in interpreter certification performance testing: An argument-based approach. Interpreting, 18(2), 225-252.
▪ Han, C. (2015). Investigating rater severity/leniency in interpreter performance testing: A multifaceted Rasch measurement approach. Interpreting, 17(2), 255-283.
▪ Han, C. (2015). Building the validity foundation for interpreter certification performance testing. PhD thesis. Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
▪ I am keen to collaborate with undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students who are interested in testing, assessment and evaluation of translation, spoken/signed language interpreting, and any other forms of language mediation. Specifically, I am currently working on a variety of research topics concerning rater-mediated and automatic assessment of translation and interpreting(T&I), including (but not limited to):
◦ Test materials/tasks
◦ Scoring methods
◦ Rater effects
◦ Rater training
◦ Rater cognition (in relation to T&I cognitive studies)
◦ Automatic assessment
▪ Interested students are advised to contact me in advance (via email).