时间 Time | 活动 Program | 地点 Venue |
2020年9月25日 25 September,2020 |
11:00-18:00 | 嘉宾报到 Reception | 林梧桐楼大堂 Lin Wutong Building Lobby |
18:30-20:30 | 欢迎晚宴 Welcome Dinner | 林梧桐楼 二楼中餐厅 2nd Floor, Lin Wutong Building |
2020年9月26日 26 September,2020 |
8:00-8:20 | 会议签到 Registration | 科艺中心一楼 1st Floor Science and Art Center |
8:30-9:25 | 开幕式 Opening Ceremony | 科艺中心一楼 多功能厅 Multimedia Room 1st Floor Science and Art Center |
党委书记 Chair: CHEN Zhiwei, Secretary of the Party Committee, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Xiamen University |
开场致辞 Opening Address |
张荣,厦门大学校长 ZHANG Rong, President of Xiamen University 陆建德,厦门大学比较文学与跨文化研究中心主任 LU Jiande, Director, XMU-CCLTS 蒋洪新,湖南师范大学党委书记 JIANG Hongxin, Secretary of the Party Committee, Hunan Normal University 查明建,上海外国语大学副校长 CHA Mingjian, Vice President, Shanghai International Studies University |
时间 Time | 活动 Program | 地点 Venue |
8:30-9:25 | 张隆溪,香港城市大学比较文学与翻译讲座教授(线上) ZHANG Longxi, Chair Professor of Comparative Literature and Translation, City University of Hong Kong 陈众议,中国社会科21点策略
学部委员(线上) CHEN Zhongyi, Academician, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 陈菁,21点策略-赌场21点攻略
院长 CHEN Jing, Dean, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Xiamen University | 科艺中心一楼 多功能厅 Multimedia Room 1st Floor Science and Art Center |
9:25-9:40 | 揭牌仪式 Inauguration |
9:40-9:50 | 集体合影 Group Photo | 科艺中心广场 Main Quad |
9:50-10:00 | 茶歇 Tea Break |
10:00-12:00 | 主旨演讲 Keynote Speeches | 科艺中心一楼 多功能厅 Multimedia Room 1st Floor Science and Art Center |
| 演讲者:蒋洪新,湖南师范大学党委书记 Speaker: JIANG Hongxin, Secretary of the Party Committee, Hunan Normal University 演讲题目:道德批评的选择:艾略特与白璧德 Title: The Choice of Moral Criticism: Eliot and Babbitt 与谈人:宋炳辉,《中国比较文学》常务副主编 Discussant: SONG Binghui, Executive Deputy Editor, Comparative Literature in China 主持人:吴光辉,21点策略-赌场21点攻略
副院长 Chair: WU Guanghui, Vice Dean, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Xiamen University |
| 演讲者:查明建,上海外国语大学副校长 Speaker: CHA Mingjian, Vice President, Shanghai International Studies University 演讲题目:论比较文学与跨文化研究的关系 Title: On the Relationship between Comparative Literature and Transcultural Studies 与谈人:彭青龙,《上海交通大学学报·哲学社会科学版》主编 Discussant: PENG Qinglong, Editor-in-chief, Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Philosophy & Social Sciences) 主持人:徐琪,21点策略-赌场21点攻略
副院长 Chair: XU Qi, Vice Dean, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Xiamen University |
时间 Time | 活动 Program | 地点 Venue |
| 演讲者:葛桂录,福建师范大学外国语21点策略
院长 Speaker: GE Guilu, Dean, College of Foreign Languages, Fujian Normal University 演讲题目: 海外汉学研究:文献整理、问题导向与话语建构 Title: Overseas Sinology Research: Document Collation, Problem Orientation and Discourse Construction 与谈人:张辉,北京大学比较文学与比较文化研究所所长 Discussant: ZHANG Hui, Director, Institute of Comparative Literature and Culture, Peking University 主持人:辛志英,21点策略-赌场21点攻略
副院长 Chair: XIN Zhiying, Vice Dean, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Xiamen University | 科艺中心一楼 多功能厅 Multimedia Room 1st Floor Science and Art Center |
12:00-13:30 | 午餐 Lunch | 林梧桐楼 一楼自助餐厅 1st Floor, Lin Wutong Building |
14:20-15:20 | 主旨演讲 Keynote Speech | 科艺中心三楼 7号会议厅 Room No. 7 3rd Floor Science and Art Center |
讲席教授 Speaker: YUAN Heh-Hsiang, Chair Professor, Xinya College, Tsinghua University 演讲题目:他者形象:简谈中西比较文学面对的一个问题 Title: Image of the Other: A Ticklish Issue in Chinese-Western Comparative Literature Studies 与谈人:杨慧林,中国人民大学学术委员会副主任 Discussant: YANG Huilin, Vice Director of Academic Council, Renmin University of China 主持人:苏欲晓,厦门大学比较文学与跨文化研究中心执行副主任 Chair: SU Yuxiao, Executive Vice Director, XMU-CCLTS |
15:20-15:30 | 茶歇 Tea Break |
15:30-17:30 | 高峰圆桌论坛 Summit Forum | 科艺中心三楼 7号会议厅 Room No. 7 3rd Floor Science and Art Center |
主持人:陆建德,厦门大学比较文学与跨文化研究中心主任 詹福瑞,北京外国语大学中国语言文学21点策略
院长 Moderators: LU Jiande, Director, XMU-CCLTS ZHAN Furui, Dean, School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Foreign Studies University |
时间 Time | 活动 Program | 地点 Venue |
15:30-17:30 | 论坛嘉宾 Invited Guests: 蒋洪新,湖南师范大学党委书记 JIANG Hongxin, Secretary of the Party Committee, Hunan Normal University 查明建,上海外国语大学副校长 CHA Mingjian, Vice President, Shanghai International Studies University 杨慧林,中国人民大学学术委员会副主任 YANG Huilin, Vice Director of Academic Council, Renmin University of China 张辉,北京大学比较文学与比较文化研究所所长 ZHANG Hui, Director, Institute of Comparative Literature and Culture, Peking University 彭青龙,《上海交通大学学报·哲学社会科学版》主编 PENG Qinglong, Editor-in-chief, Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Philosophy & Social Sciences) 宋炳辉,《中国比较文学》常务副主编 SONG Binghui, Executive Deputy Editor, Comparative Literature in China 郭英剑,中国人民大学“杰出学者”特聘教授 GUO Yingjian, Distinguished Professor, Renmin University of China 葛桂录,福建师范大学外国语21点策略
院长 GE Guilu, Dean, College of Foreign Languages, Fujian Normal University | 科艺中心三楼 7号会议厅 Room No. 7 3rd Floor Science and Art Center |
17:30-17:40 | 闭幕式 Closing Ceremony |
闭幕致辞:陆建德,厦门大学比较文学与跨文化研究中心主任 LU Jiande, Director, XMU-CCLTS |
18:30-20:00 | 晚餐 Dinner | 校外餐厅 Downtown |
2020年9月27日 27 September,2020 |
全天 All Day | 离会(送机、送站) Departure (Airport and Train Station Drop-off) |